- Complimentary Food
- Games (More than just Euchre & Bingo)
- Cash Bar
- Basket Raffle with themes: Lucky Lotto, Lebanon Local, Self-Care, Wine Lovers, Crusader Spirit & More
- Live & Silent Acution Items Including: Reds tickets, a kayaking trip, visit from Santa & Mrs. Claus, handmade wood items, and - - -
Back By Popular demand "2 Priests & a Grill"
Tickets required for Euchre & Bingo. RSVP for the evening if you aren't planning to play either game. Just click on the Tickets selction above.
Each player will get a 6 face (1 sheet with 6 cards) and 2 raffle tickets for a cost of $25
We will play 4 games – Single Bingo – Double Bingo “Same Card” – Special game like 9 in the corner – then Cover All.. (Total of 4 games)
Prizes – 1) $25 2) $25 3) $50 4) $100